Ahmed Zaeem
إذا ذكرنا المدينة Whenever we remember Medina تحرك الشوق فينا Longing grows within our hearts وعانقتنا السكينة And tranquility fills our souls إذا ذكرنا المدنية Whenever we remember Medina فيها سلامٌ وراحة In it there is peace and comfort والقلب ينسى جراحه It heals the hearts from their wounds فيها الهُدى والسماحة Guidance and forgiveness are in it ونور طه نبينا And the light of our Prophet "Taha" (Muhammad pbuh) فيها معاني الوفا It embodies all the meanings of loyalty والكونُ فيها احتفى And the universe rejoices in it وروضةٌ رِيحُها Within it is the Rawda the scent of which... من ريحةِ المصطفى Is from the Prophet's scent فيها نسيمُ القرابَة It contains the fragrance of his family وذكرياتُ الصحابَة And the memories of the companions وأنفسٌ طاهرات Within it are the purest of souls كطُهرِ ماءِ السحابَة As pure as rain water ما بين مكة وطَيبة Between Makkah and Taibah (Medina) أُنس ومحبة وطِيبة There is affection, love, and kindness أنوار طه حبيبي And the lights of my beloved Taha يا حظ من هو حبيبه How blessed is the one who loves him! سِيدي بهدْيه سَباني My master has captured me with his guidance, للخير دايم دعاني And he has always called me towards good deeds مهما تباعد زماني No matter how long we've been parted الروح منّه قريبة My soul always remains close to him